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If you come to Santa Cruz by rental car, we propose several car parks
where you can park your vehicle and enjoy the city, its sights, cuisine and
shopping areas by being able to park easily.

Where to park


[cq_vc_avatarwithpopup avatartype=”icon” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-info-circle” iconcolor=”#ffffff” avatarshape=”avatar-circle” popuptitle=”1.- CHOOSE THE CAR PARK” triggerby=”bydefault” popupbackground=”blue” isshadow=”tinyshadow” popupshape=”roundsmall”]

Parking Intercambiador car park

. Opening times: 24 hours a day 365 days a year
. Telephone: 922 479 500

Parking Estadio car park

. Opening times: Monday to Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. (you can exchange your flyer for a discount card from Monday to Friday at the cash desk from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.)
. Telephone: 922 149 117

[cq_vc_avatarwithpopup avatartype=”icon” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-car” iconcolor=”#ffffff” avatarshape=”avatar-circle” popuptitle=”2.- ENTER THE CAR PARK AND PARK WHERE YOU LIKE ” triggerby=”bydefault” popupbackground=”blue” isshadow=”tinyshadow” popupshape=”roundsmall”][/cq_vc_avatarwithpopup][cq_vc_avatarwithpopup avatartype=”image” avatarshape=”avatar-circle” popuptitle=”3.-HAND IN THE FLYER AT THE CASH DESK AND YOU WILL HAVE ONE HOUR PARKING FREE OF CHARGE ” triggerby=”bydefault” popupbackground=”blue” isshadow=”tinyshadow” popupshape=”roundsmall” extraclass=”iconreal”]flyer

Once you has parked, you should go to the central cash desk of the car park
and hand in the flyer.

You will receive a discount ticket for one hour free parking.
When you leave the car park put the parking ticket into the
payment machine.

When the charge is displayed, you should put in the discount ticket.
You will pay the difference.[/cq_vc_avatarwithpopup]

Live the experience!

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